In Cliento we have one main focus: Help you achieve sustained sales GROWTH.
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Of course, this is NOT easy, but we have achieved it many times through a paradigm shift in our customers...

This represents a great challenge and a digital transformation in the commercial area of your company; however, it is a necessary change to achieve sustained sales growth.
To complete the strategic process of generating demand there are usually problems to solve
and these problems can be grouped into 3 stages:

Problems with attracting leads
Without visitors entering your funnel, you will not have new leads or new customers.
To attract new leads, you need to have visibility on the internet and a positioning aligned to your competitive advantages.
See solutions >However, there are many companies that already have a well-positioned brand, a lot of visibility, or even have a large database of historical customers to which they can sell more and do not need many more leads...

Problems of lead conversion
Visitors to your website or social networks are of little use unless you can turn them into leads.
If you don't give value to those people, they're most likely not willing to contact your company and don't convert the leads your sales team needs to reach their goal.
See solutions >But there are companies that have very powerful brands, which are very easy to generate a lot of leads, but they are not managing to close sales.

Problems with closing sales
If the process of attracting and converting leads was carried out properly, it is very likely that there will be a great opportunity to close the sale.
So why can't sales close?
Mainly for 2 reasons:
First, because sales teams don't follow up on their leads well, and they don't have a process to help them determine which ones they need to spend the most time on.
Second, because they don't have effective tools beyond promotions and price discounts. The seller who closes the sale needs an "ace up his sleeve" that generates value for the prospect and helps him "feel" that he is making the best purchase decision.
See solutions >What is your role?

Business owner or CEO
We help you move to the next level of the digital age, where your entire business process is transformed to achieve a competitive advantage.
We help your marketing and sales team work hand in hand with a process that gives them equal benefits and helps them maximize sales results.
We offer you the experience of having done this many times before, therefore we can guarantee that deviations and errors are minimized.

Marketing chief
Ad-centric marketing on Google and Facebook is no longer a competitive advantage, all companies do the same.
The Marketing that brings traffic to the website and the one that generate leads is dying.
Today, the modern marketer must focus on working hand in hand with the sales team to optimize the relationship with prospects and customers throughout the business cycle.
From finding niches (opportunities) of the market on the internet, to measuring the after-sales experience of customers.

Sales professional
The more digital organizations become, the harder it is to know where marketing ends and sales begin.
The trend in innovative organizations is that the entire sales team (marketing and sales) is called a "Revenue" team.
Does this mean that sales professionals are going to disappear in the future?
No, but it does mean that their work is changing and will continue to change in the future.
At Cliento we help sales teams improve their performance through the most advanced technologies and processes.

Growth / Startup
Startups or fast-growing companies need to adopt as quickly as possible a largely automated process to optimize the digital business process and maximize sales.
For a company that requires rapid growth, one month is equivalent to a year and financial resources are rapidly depleted.
Cliento has been a key part of the rapid growth of some of Mexico's most successful startups.
With these companies, our most important contribution has been the implementation of Hubspot as a marketing automation and CRM tool to have full visibility into the funnel.
Successful cases
All our projects are closely related to the alignment between marketing teams - sales and to the creation and development of a strategic process of generating demand
Learn more about digital marketing on our Blog

Cada fase del funnel fue optimizada con automatizaciones, contenido relevante y experimentación continua basada en datos.
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Ha logrado un crecimiento sostenido anual en ventas directas durante 3 años consecutivos y mejorado su ROI.
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Por medio de una migración y consolidación de dominio, la financiera tecnológica mejoró su tráfico orgánico en 2 mercados clave.
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