There are companies who are looking for traffic There are companies who attract leads
One of the main advantages offered by digital marketing is to reach market segments and microsegments
The initial goal of generating visits to your website, your blog, and your social networks is to gain visibility
But the key to capitalizing on that visibility is to get your target market (your buyer personas) to find you through content that generates value for them
To achieve this, Cliento can help you in 4 dimensions:

Website development
Your website is or should be your best sales executive; therefore, it is very important that you provide the best user experience to the visitor.
An optimized website to attract and convert leads is a very valuable asset that requires supporting and nurturing day by day.
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SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Is placing your company in front of the eyes of people looking for your product or service 24 hours a day x 7 days a week.
No advertising
If your budget runs out, no problem... you're always there.
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Inbound Marketing
Inbound is almost a philosophy of life for some people and every day represents a greater competitive advantage for those who put it into practice.
Doing Inbound marketing properly is the best way to achieve success in attracting leads since it generates a great experience for both the seller and the one who buys.
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Cada fase del funnel fue optimizada con automatizaciones, contenido relevante y experimentación continua basada en datos.
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Ha logrado un crecimiento sostenido anual en ventas directas durante 3 años consecutivos y mejorado su ROI.
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Por medio de una migración y consolidación de dominio, la financiera tecnológica mejoró su tráfico orgánico en 2 mercados clave.
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Social Media
Social media is an increasingly important communication channel.
Like SEO, social networks present the same complexity for brands, since their algorithms give greater visibility to the contents that demonstrate to generate a better experience (more value) for the people who consume them.
Therefore, it is very important for companies to have a well-defined social media strategy to achieve optimal visibility and therefore facilitate the attraction of leads.